Monday, March 25, 2013

Children are a gift from God. We never know how long we will be blessed to care for them here on earth, but no matter what they will live in our hearts forever. I thank God for giving me the privilege of being Macy's mommy. Being her mommy brought me more joy than I ever could have dreamed it would and even though she lives in Heaven now with her daddy and our Heavenly Father, she still continues to bless me each and every day. I thank God for the wonderful memories that I will carry in my heart forever. Because of Jesus precious gift of salvation I know I will see my little family again one day in Heaven and what a glorious day that will be!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Smile! :)

Smile ~ even when you don't feel like it! Have you ever noticed how just a simple smile can break the ice, warm your heart or even change your mood? A smile is something that we all have and does not cost us a thing to share it with others. A smile is understood no matter what language we speak. You might be surprised at how good it makes you feel to possibly brighten someone's day with your smile. So don't hesitate to share your one of kind, God given smile today and be a blessing to those around you, who knows you might even feel blessed by it yourself. :)