Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Make the Most of Now!

What is holding you back from doing something that you have had on your mind to do? Maybe you have been wanting to write a book, or take a photography or cooking class or maybe you have been thinking of contacting a friend that you have not talked to in you can't remember when. We all have a wish list of things tucked in the back of minds that we would like to do, but that little (big) thing called fear creeps up and tells us all the reasons why we shouldn't pursue those things ~ fear likes to tell us that people might laugh at us or reject us or that we may fall flat on our face. Who knows we may fail, we may get laughed at or rejected, but we may also find a lot of joy and happiness in actually doing those things on our wish list.

With the help of the confidence that God wants me to have in Him, I have decided to make the most of my NOW. With His help I want to make some of the things on my wish list a reality.

One thing is certain ~ you will never get this particular moment back in your life. We only get one today (one now) ~ tomorrow may be too late so make the most of your NOW!



  1. So true! We never know what tomorrow holds.

    I'm glad you're doing this blog KK! :) Love you!
